The North-Northwest Side, Before and After
Below is the before view of the North-Northwest side of the Queen. Notice the lovely vinyl siding, the missing boards (removed since they were heavily rotted), and copious amount of tar paper covering the gaping hole into the attic. Also note the door opening in the rear most section of the Queen.

And, here is the same side after Tony finished. Notice that the door shown in before picture is no longer there. According to Tony, even though this doorway would provide excellent cross ventilation, it was poorly situated. He said that the door we had installed there was already starting to rot. This side of the Queen receives the least sun and catches a lot on rain when the wind starts blowing. The only way to really keep it dry is building a covered porch on this side of the Queen. He also said that it congested the traffic flow in the rear hall (which was true), so he made an executive decision and removed it. I am sure some folks would be upset with this, but I can't muster any indignation. Really, he is right, and it makes a lot of things much simpler. Besides, if we change our mind at a latter date, I know where the rough-in for the door is.

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