The Fat of the Land
I had an above average weekend. Actually, it was pretty damn good. I succeed in eating my own body weight in cream cheese and bacon grease, spent most of my time in my pajamas draped across comfy furniture, and didn't do much of anything under the pretence of hiding from severe winter weather. Fat, flannel, and sloth, does it get any better than that? Minus a fleeting existential crisis, it was a pretty good weekend.
Even if we'd been spared the token freezing rain, It’s doubtful that we'd have worked on the Queen. The temperature never made it above freezing for three days, so the hell with working in an unheated house. The folks that loaned us the scaffolding came to retrieve it Sunday. I was sad to see it go, and it has me thinking about buying some of our own. I went up to the Queen to help them load it, and, true to form, I forgot to bring my camera.
Kenny finished the dining room wall, re-installed the weird, pseudo-midget door in the dinning room (more about that in a later post), finished insulating the master bathroom, nearly completed the master bathroom ceiling, stripped the drywall out the main hall, living room, and dining room, patched the living room floor, and a few other jobs. It's looking good, and sometime this week I'll take my camera up there prove it.
Even if we'd been spared the token freezing rain, It’s doubtful that we'd have worked on the Queen. The temperature never made it above freezing for three days, so the hell with working in an unheated house. The folks that loaned us the scaffolding came to retrieve it Sunday. I was sad to see it go, and it has me thinking about buying some of our own. I went up to the Queen to help them load it, and, true to form, I forgot to bring my camera.
Kenny finished the dining room wall, re-installed the weird, pseudo-midget door in the dinning room (more about that in a later post), finished insulating the master bathroom, nearly completed the master bathroom ceiling, stripped the drywall out the main hall, living room, and dining room, patched the living room floor, and a few other jobs. It's looking good, and sometime this week I'll take my camera up there prove it.
I wish Kenny would relocate to Alabama after he's finished with the Devil Queen. Tell him we have very lovely old houses and lots of people who will vie for his attention.
I'll see what I can do for you. Convincing his wife will be the hard part.
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