Synopsis: This is a cautionary tale. A seriously disturbed couple find the charming, old ruin of a Queen Anne Victorian in Russellville, Arkansas, and buy it for $1.00. They tore the roof off, cut it in half, and had it moved to some land they owned sixteen miles away because they didn't know any better. Since then, they have hired and fired contractors, had all of their tools stolen, re-wired, re-plumbed, insulated, and essentially rebuilt the entire house. Their only problem is that after four years it still isn't finished. Now they are tired, broke, and wonder what in the hell it is they've done to themselves. And, it's haunted.
(Last updated on April 3, 2008)
Art: From time to time, I receive requests for my art. If you would like to look at more of my art, go to
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email me. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Thanks!
Weather Stripping
I got a copy of Terry Meany's Working Windows for my birthday. I've been reading up on his weather stripping recommendations (seems to be a big fan of spring bronze stripping), and I was wondering what y'all recommend. Is spring bronze the best? Other suggestions? Please share whatever suggestion you might have. Thanks!
Website Counter
I ran across your note. Pemco makes a thicker spring bronze material than the thinner material noted by jm@houseinprogress. I have run across the type you refer to and it's kind of useless If possible, order the wider (1.5") Pemco for the lower jambs.
Terry Meany
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