Do It For A Dollar?
Labels: house moving, press
How my wife and I sold our souls to the Queen Anne Victorian we tried to save.
Labels: house moving, press
Labels: home improvement art, Home Improvement Bestiary, miscellaneous non-house
This summer my Dad’s family may be making a pilgrimage back to our ancestral homeland, Chicago. If this comes to pass, I will be in Chicago sometime in late July or early August. If any of you Housebloggers would be interested in having dinner or a drink, let me know. After years of watching you from afar, I’d love to meet you all.
Labels: Pilgrimage
Easter came and went without too much fanfare. Cold rain, power outages, all the teenage cousins being herded through an inter-dimensional portal to China by a five year old, and coffee with a parole officer. Really, it was a pretty tame affair.
Anyhow, I finally got around to taking a picture of the new front door. While a full twenty some percent of you think that I will be burning in hell, it really doesn't look as bad as I imagined it. The fact that it opens and closes with ease is a bit seductive too.
And, for the astute few of you out there who are wondering what in the hell is hanging from the doorknob, that would be our real estate agent's lock box.
That is right. If you want an old Victorian possessed and brimming with a full century of evil, this house is for you. Also, we're already done all the hard work. Finish the paint job, refinish a few floors, and mow the lawn and that is it. Enjoy old evil with all the modern amenities.
For those you who are wonder how or why we could put the Devil Queen up for sale, that is another story which I'll tell soon. However, until that time, here is a little bit for you to think about: $4.00 a gallon gasoline.