The Devil Queen

How my wife and I sold our souls to the Queen Anne Victorian we tried to save.

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Location: Crow Mountain, Arkansas, United States

Synopsis: This is a cautionary tale. A seriously disturbed couple find the charming, old ruin of a Queen Anne Victorian in Russellville, Arkansas, and buy it for $1.00. They tore the roof off, cut it in half, and had it moved to some land they owned sixteen miles away because they didn't know any better. Since then, they have hired and fired contractors, had all of their tools stolen, re-wired, re-plumbed, insulated, and essentially rebuilt the entire house. Their only problem is that after four years it still isn't finished. Now they are tired, broke, and wonder what in the hell it is they've done to themselves. And, it's haunted.
(Last updated on April 3, 2008)

Press: Russellville Courier Article - December 2003, HGTV website article, AP story - October 2006, and Victorian Homes Magazine - February 2008 (link coming soon).
Art: From time to time, I receive requests for my art. If you would like to look at more of my art, go to The Failed Artist. If you would like to buy my art, email me. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So, how was our Halloween Party?

Not bad, though the turn out was a little lighter than we’d hoped for. When we planned it, we didn’t realize there was a Razorback football game that night. Oops. I guess you can tell that we’re probably not people who would be described as “rabid sports fans.”

Even so, it was still fun. I was feeling a bit under the weather Sunday morning if that is any indication as to how it went.

And, since a couple of you requested it, here is a picture of my costume “concept” and my actual costume.

In a perfect world, I would have been able to afford the 1920’s top hat and a purple ascot I found on eBay. Still, it didn’t turn out too bad though the makeup could have used some work.


Blogger K said...

The turnout for our party was light, too. Alabama's Homecoming football game was that day, but fortunately it was over by party time. I was praying we wouldn't have to turn on the stupid television during our party for the rabid football fans.

I think our low turnout was mostly due to the fact that we only started inviting people the week before, so a lot of people already had plans. It was fun anyway, though. We had just enough people.

1:51 PM  
Blogger K said...

And the "special punch" helped, too.

1:52 PM  
Blogger John said...

"Special punch," the great social lubricator!

We weren't too disappointed with the smaller turn out; it made for an "intimate party" as my wife called it.

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always check the TV schedule when planning a party. I once had something the night of the first Survivor finale. A bunch of the people who came bugged out early so they could see the final tribal council!

8:41 PM  
Blogger Lenise said...

That costume looks great!

I've had really low turnout for almost everything I've planned lately. Makes me paranoid. Reminds me of junior high when noone would talk to me. =-P

Of course, my most recent "event" was "come help us paint the office/playroom" and I gave less than a week's notice.

7:43 AM  

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