Testicles: They're Worth $10, Right?
I'd recommend that all of you aspiring, DIY electricians save up $10-$15 and buy one of these.

I bought a GE one similar to the second one pictured this last week, and I love the little bastard. The buzzing noise/red-light startles/scares/annoys my wife, so I've had a lot of fun getting in touch with my inner 12 year old. Fortunately, I'm mature enough to know when to stop before she decides to punch me in the face. This whole "older, wiser" thing is really working out for me. Anyhow, these little "pens" (i.e. voltage detectors) test whether a wire, switch, or outlet has juice running to it. It's much safer than licking your fingers and grabbing the black wire (which you absolutely should not do).
In an attempt to cultivate a proper set of social skills and decorum, I decided not to post a "warning" picture of some dumbass who should be candidate for a Darwin Award. Why? He deserves this award for trying to steal copper wiring from a relay station with not so heavy duty wire cutters. When the electricity arced it blew his nuts off (instantly charbroiled really) among other things. Not pretty.
If you're asking why I have a picture of this, Jack (who works for Entergy Arkansas) sent it to me. I guess where some people forward blonde jokes or prayer circles, power company employees have different tastes.
And, for those of you who might be thinking, "Screw this, I'd rather plumb than wire!" you're wrong. Trust me. Sure, if you've very stupid or very unlucky, electricity can kill you. However, you shouldn't suffer long. Plumbing is like hemorrhoids; it's a pain in your ass until something else finished you off. Your suffering is boundless.
Anyhow, whether you're just feeling a little unsure of yourself or you're following behind a real creative POS, it’s nice gizmo to have. Besides, keeping your gonads is worth it.

I bought a GE one similar to the second one pictured this last week, and I love the little bastard. The buzzing noise/red-light startles/scares/annoys my wife, so I've had a lot of fun getting in touch with my inner 12 year old. Fortunately, I'm mature enough to know when to stop before she decides to punch me in the face. This whole "older, wiser" thing is really working out for me. Anyhow, these little "pens" (i.e. voltage detectors) test whether a wire, switch, or outlet has juice running to it. It's much safer than licking your fingers and grabbing the black wire (which you absolutely should not do).
In an attempt to cultivate a proper set of social skills and decorum, I decided not to post a "warning" picture of some dumbass who should be candidate for a Darwin Award. Why? He deserves this award for trying to steal copper wiring from a relay station with not so heavy duty wire cutters. When the electricity arced it blew his nuts off (instantly charbroiled really) among other things. Not pretty.
If you're asking why I have a picture of this, Jack (who works for Entergy Arkansas) sent it to me. I guess where some people forward blonde jokes or prayer circles, power company employees have different tastes.
And, for those of you who might be thinking, "Screw this, I'd rather plumb than wire!" you're wrong. Trust me. Sure, if you've very stupid or very unlucky, electricity can kill you. However, you shouldn't suffer long. Plumbing is like hemorrhoids; it's a pain in your ass until something else finished you off. Your suffering is boundless.
Anyhow, whether you're just feeling a little unsure of yourself or you're following behind a real creative POS, it’s nice gizmo to have. Besides, keeping your gonads is worth it.
How dumb can people be? I'm so afraid of electricty I shut off almost every breaker in the house just to mess around with replacing one socket, then I test it again with a line tester before I touch anything.
Aw, come on... you've got to post the picture now.
Well, since you asked, my left one's worth $47.50 and the right one is worth $72.30. How I came to those amounts is another story that I won't go in to here. I have a neon tester and I use constantly when doing electricity. I don't think it's as good as those, though, because it has two contacts that you have to use. It's great for shoving in an outlet, but for bare wires it's a little cumbersome. I'm so paranoid about it, that sometimes when I get a reading that says there is no current, I then go and test it in a live outlet to make user the tester isn't broken and giving a false reading. After that I go and test the one I’m working on again.
I hope you're right about electricity vs. plumbing because then it will be worth what we'll spend on a plumber.
C'mon now! I here that people in Arkansas stick quarters in the fuse box when they blow a fuse....
Obviously I don't HEAR well enough. Must be the constant crackling sound coming from my fuse box. Better see if I have a quarter....
We just did some rewiring in our kitchen.
We bought the red tester and we love it.
It is soooo fun to play with too. tee hee
A GT-10 polarity cube is always handy too... as if i need a reminder that my knob and tube isn't properly grounded.
Aisle 4 at Lowe's (R'ville), about halfway down on the right, for those not in the know...lol
Aisle four at Lowe's (R'ville), about halfway down on the right, for those not in the know....lol
I would say that your ummm...you know should be worth that much. At least. I am posting on a related matter today, too;-)
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